Discriminatory policies which worked against black South African movie directors during the country's apartheid-era government; Johannesburg, South Africa-based Newtown Film and Television School's efforts...
About the Subject – Born in 1940 as Ernest Levi Tsoloane Kole in Eersterust, Pretoria, Ernest Cole began his career sweeping the floors of a photography studio in Johannesburg in the late 1950s. He finally broke through ten years later, when he was hired as a freelance photographer for ...
Monocle’s new issue does the trick: flick open our pages for a refreshing sojourn to Paris’s bookshops, an insight into Johannesburg’s hard-nosed urbanism and a sit-down with the creative director who turned Bally’s fortunes around. Plus: step into the Catalan neighbourhood on the up,...
Smith (producer/co-writer) Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Tony Dean Smith & Ryan W. Smith are the Smith Brothers, a creative partnership forged in the fires of sibling revery. Tony Dean Smith is the recent recipient of the Director’s Guild off Canada “Best BC Director” award, ...
Working with students at AFDA in Johannesburg Lecturing at TNUA in Taipei Lecturing at the National Conservatory for the Performing Arts in Mumbai Gil with his seminar students at Griffith Film School --Brisbane, Australia After lecturing at the National Conservatory for the Performing Arts in Mumbai...
Nelson Mandela: From shepherd to president“In my country we go to prison first and then become President.”(more) See all videos for this article Nelson Mandela(born July 18, 1918, Mvezo, South Africa—died December 5, 2013, Johannesburg) was a Black nationalist and the first Blackpresident...
Sagan, Leontine, Lights and Shadows: The Autobiography of Leontine Sagan , edited and introduced by Loren Kruger, Johannesburg, 1996. Articles: Close Up (London), March 1932. New York Times , 21 September 1932. Herald Tribune (New York), 21 September 1932. National Board of Review Mag...
Latest on Fashion Why traditional fashion thrives in Germany Lederhosen and dirndls aren’t just donned for Oktoberfest in southern Germany; tracht has been experiencing a renaissance in recent years with many wearing these traditional clothes every day. Monocle Films travels across the region to meet...
In terms of lived, everyday experience, I think the pandemic will be over by: — Gerry Canavan (parody) (@gerrycanavan)January 13, 2022 *School Closures Led to More Sleep and Better Quality of Life for Adolescents.After last year’s learning loss, we need a plan for students with disabi...
Posted in Academy Award nominee, Cannes, DOC/NYC, documentary, drama, Emmy, Film Festival, Film School interview, HBO, Human Rights, Independent Lens, Indie, Los Angeles Film Festival, Oscar nominated, Oscar Winner, PBS, Political, Public Service, Sundance, Telluride | Leave a reply Echo in...