Highlighting the stories of female architecture shaping the built environment, the documentary "Women in Architecture", by Boris Noir returns for a second chapter. Initiated by Sky-Frame, in collaboration with ArchDaily, this installment of the docu-series delves into the stories of Dorte Mandrup an...
“An exuberantly dreamy grrl-power-meets-noir crime story” – Sheri Linden, Hollywood Reporter “Sandi Tan’s Shirkers may be the year’s most compelling grifter story” – Julia Felsenthal, Vogue (interview with Sandi Tan) “Shirkers has the handmade delicacy of a scrapbook come to life…...
Posted inFilm Noir,Harold Lloyd,Speedy,The Office,TV Shows|TaggedEdge of Doom,film noir,film noir locations,Harold Lloyd,Los Angeles Historic Core,Silent Comedians,Silent Comedies,Silent Movie Locations,Silent Movies,Speedy,The Office,The Office locations,then and now|16 Comments ...
Nordic True CrimeThis one is a bit dark, but as I’m also obsessed with Scandinavia Noir TV series, movies and books, I love it. Sometimes covers truly horrific crimes, so don’t say you’ve not been warned. The Gays Are RevoltingThese guys usually release their eps on a weekly basis...
Paula Blanco Pérez is an award-winning filmmaker from Madrid, Spain, who has been making movies in Arkansas for eight years. She has a bachelor’s degree in digital filmmaking and a master’s in film from the University of Central Arkansas. She was Director of Education at Fayetteville Publi...
“a disorienting take on film noir, as distorting stylizations and unhinged plotting play out like nightmares in a damaged brain, hoodwinking and gaslighting the viewer from any sure grip on what is going on.”– Anton Bitel, Projected Figures “Its square aspect ratio occasionally host to brie...
Posted in adaptation, Animal Rights, drama, Film Festival, Film Noir, Film School interview, foreign, Horror, Indie, Nature, Political, Psychological thriller, Sci-fi / horror, Spirit Award nominee, Sundance | Leave a reply JUMBO – Director Zoé Wittock Posted on JUMBO is the coming-of-...
“Ascher’s appropriately discombobulating stew of queasiness, comedy, and terror seems well-cued to the subject matter, even while missing a certain editorial sharpness that might have brought some of its notions into greater clarity.”– Chris Barsanti, The Playlist “While Ascher casts a wide...
Kimmel, North Shore Movies “If you’re a fan of British dry humor, I think you’ll find the fun in Stealing Chaplin.”– Alan Ng, Film Threat Posted in adaptation, comedy, drama, dramedy, Film Festival, Film Noir, Film School interview, History, Indie, Psychological thriller | Leave a...
“An effervescent suburban noir rich with tragedy, rough around the edges, but sharp like the dagger when it counts.”– Matt Donato, Dread Central “The film’s approach to narrative structure is both messy and strangely confident and alluring, poising Knives and Skin as a bold and complicat...