Spy Noirs & the Origins of Film Noir in the UK & US » Spy Noirs & the First Femme Fatales » Significance of the Woman in Distress » The Film Noir Private Eye: Debunking the Myth » Film Noir Plot Elements: WWII vs. Postwar » What Explains the Visual Style of Film...
During the 1940s and 50s, Hollywood entered a “noir” period, producing riveting films based on hard-boiled fiction. These films were set in dark locations and shot in a black & white aesthetic that fit like a glove. Hardened ...
Highlighting the stories of female architecture shaping the built environment, the documentary "Women in Architecture", by Boris Noir returns for a second chapter. Initiated by Sky-Frame, in collaboration with ArchDaily, this installment of the docu-series delves into the stories of Dorte Mandrup an...
Suzanne's film noir and poetry themed series, They Write by Night, can be found on YouTube and the website poetry.la, and features explorations such as "Damaged Women," "Separating the Dark from the Light," and "Are the Femmes Fatale?" Her essays include "The Poem Noir--Too Dark to...
Wexler’s use of pop music of the moment is sparing and smart in turning to what even then were offbeat acts, employing Love’s “Emotions” as a motif throughout with its twanging guitar and march beat, helping generate the film’s hippie-noir, nerve-jangled tone, and utilising several...
NewNoir:DownloadVintageFilmPostersinHigh-Res:FromThePhiladelphiaStorytoAttackoftheCrab Monsters FreeVintagePosters.comoffers “hundreds of high quality printable posters in advertising, travel, food/drink, art, movies, westerns, military, magic and much more.” You may have an interest in all those ...
We’ll get to why that year is important for film history in a bit, but first let’s review pre-Code Hollywood with a couple of selected scenes from Kevin Wentink on YouTube. Movie Film History • Pre-Code Classic Clips Pre-Code movies were jubilant in their creativity; largely because...
In a summer that’s short on must-see movies, “Strange Darling” ranks as essential viewing for fans of neo-noir thriller/horror flicks. A riveting story of a serial killer on the loose in rural Oregon, the film has much to recommend it: compelling creepy characters; superb acting; firs...
‘You know what I do to squealers? I let ’em have it in the belly, so they can roll around for a long time thinkin’ it over‘ Tommy Udo (Richard Widmark) Some of the most omnipresent themes in the world of film noir are those of escaping the sins of one’s past and finding ...
Paula Blanco Pérez is an award-winning filmmaker from Madrid, Spain, who has been making movies in Arkansas for eight years. She has a bachelor’s degree in digital filmmaking and a master’s in film from the University of Central Arkansas. She was Director of Education at Fayetteville Publi...