A single lateral soft tissue neck plain film radiograph remains an invaluable tool in identifying pathology in the aerodigestive tract. Knowledge of normal anatomy, including variants that may mimic pathology, awareness of the locations of foreign body impaction and relevant radiographic differentials ...
This shifting may be characterized by changes in the distances between the center 174 and the intersection of the femur axis 146 and the femur neck axis 184, or the distance between this latter point and the intersection of the femur neck axis 184 with the lateral most portion of the femur...
The initial cross-table lateralcervical spine film for the helmeted athlete in the emergency department with a suspected neck injury: Helmet/pads on or off?economic evaluation of HIV/AIDScost and cost-benefit analysisquality of lifeFirst page of article...
The initial lateral cervical spine film for the athlete with a suspected neck injury: helmet and shoulder pads on or off? Clin J Sport Med. 2002;12(2):123-126.Kleiner DM. The answer is on! a response to the initial lateral cervical spine film for the athlete with a suspected ne...