Barbarian(2022, USA, d. Zach The Bare-Footed Kid(1993, Hong Kong, d. Johnnie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice(2016, USA, d. Zack The Batman(2022, USA, d. Matt Battle in Outer Space(1959, Japan, d. Ishiro
It is the ice upon which the entire social ideal skates, designed to reassure the “us” of the equation that we are not “them,” and with the implicit promise that the “them” can be easily made to incorporate those who shy away from the ritual for any reason, particularly in age ...
Giving Scott the equation for "transwarp beaming" – an procedure originally devised by the Scott he knew –Spock, who had responded to Kirk's suggestion that he was now "cheating" by recalling the "old friend" who had taught him how to cheat, sends Kirk and Scott back to the Enterprise...
filtration equationasymptotic behaviornonlinear semigroupThe paper deals with the fourth-order degenerate parabolic equation u t +div(u n ▽Δu-u m ▽u)=0 where m∈, n∈ + . The unknown function u=u(x,t) (with t∈ + , x∈ N , N=1,2,3) is supposed to be nonnegative and ...
Captain Quirk is revived with Viagra. While the captain distracts Charly who is partially in the computers as well, McJoy and Mr. Sperm turn on all the power of the ship to overload Charly. She leaves the ship, when they make the computer solve the equation of Pi. ...
Drift requirements of less than 10 parts-per-million per °C (ppm/°C) introduce many more significant factors into the performance equation, such as thermal EMF, mechanical and thermal stress, and terminating resistance. These can be dealt with, and the resistive and substrate materials can be...
In an infinitely extended two-dimensional fluid, the mathematical solution of the Stokes equation for the flow resulting from the net translational motion of an object immersed under no-slip conditions diverges logarithmically as a function of the distance from that object. This is referred to as ...
A list of 4,022 films compiled on Letterboxd, including Forbidden Letters (1979), Passing Strangers (1974), LA Plays Itself (1972), Bijou (1972) and Equation to an Unknown (1980). About this list: All films currently on Letterboxd featuring the new "adul
The equation for G˙(x) serves to provide design guidelines, but these are not always simple to implement. Earlier it was noted that the boundary layer increased in the axial direction. To compensate for this effect and improve growth uniformity, d must be correspondingly reduced. Tilting the ...
(IV) damping. In stage I, the contact angle increases following a simple equation relating to the position of the contact point and remains at 60° in stage II. Then, the film is suddenly accelerated and soon decelerated to produce a film inflation in stage III. Finally, the contact line...