GLOBAL ART FILM FESTIVAL, GAFFERS (June 2010 in Sacramento/June 2010 in Hollywood) 2020 Arliss Way Sacramento, CA 95822 tel: (916) 804-7333 e-mail: website: contact: Loren Reed, Director deadline: TBA theme: Creative Independent Film/DV works show...
Kyle Haubert is a filmmaker, based in Sacramento California. 1st AC, 2nd AC, CAMERA OP, VIDEO PLAYBACK, DIT, EDITOR...More Henry, Dane Dane Henry lives in Lake Tahoe, California. As a Director of Photography and Cam Operator, he has traveled around the globe to shoot for clients for...
Don’t. Submit to both. While both celebrate genres of all kinds, they love to lead with horror films that fulfill their creative requirements. “There are two types of horror that play best,” says Brown. “There’s the really crazy stuff—Takashi Miike films and the like— and there’...