I don’t think this camera has a timer delay. What’s the advantage of having a tripod socket if I can’t use a timer delay? That’s one of my favorite techniques for night photography: use a tripod and shutter delay to eliminate camera shake. ...
It's a focus-free camera Built-in flash for night photography Lightweight, compact, and super easy to use Buy from Amazon Best Classic SLR Camera Canon AE-1 One of the all-time great SLR cameras Built-in light meter for accurate exposures Shutter Priority mode Tough, durable, and sty...
In 1888, he patented and launched the Kodak camera, and film photography became a mainstream photographic process. Each Kodak camera was sold with 100 exposures, and photographers could mail back the camera to the company’s headquarters in Rochester, New York, with $10 (over $300 in today’...
He was a camera operator on what is reputedly the first British Technicolor feature, "Wings of the Morning" (1937). As he emerged as a major director of photography in the 1940s, Cardiff garnered a reputation for his bold use of color. He shot the Powell-Pressburger masterpieces "...
hiking so bringing my camera along on outdoor adventures was most natural to me when I first started shooting. Since then as I’ve learned more about framing and composition I’ve expanded into more urban settings and now I like to hunt out interesting and unique scenes around my city too...
email. Buried near the bottom was an add for the Fujifilm X-T4 ES, an infrared “extended spectrum” version of the X-T4. Back in 2022, I suggested that Fujifilm should release an IR camera asa “wow” product. I’ve wanted to get into IR photography for some time now, so I ...
Clyde is among the few photographers who use a 12x20” camera, meaning that the scanned pictures must be enormous in size. Clyde’s website is one of the best photography websites for photographers who are interested in film photography equipment and image processing. He goes in-depth on ...
Tracking and Panning for Motion Moving cameras make movies lively. Tracking shots give the film a sense of flow and continuity. Panning images move the camera horizontally, revealing additional details. These strategies are story tools that maintain the audience’s interest and improve the experience...
As many of us, also Pete loves the Fujifilm film simulations. And as some of us, also he likes it to fine tune the in camera film simulations settings to taste. But as an avid reader of photography books and inspired by the work of great phot...
A tale of adultery with some remarkable camera work, and Godard's first rebuke of the rising tide of consumerism in the 1960s Jean-Luc Godard's eighth feature film, UNE FEMME MARIÉE (A Married Woman, 1964) is a tale of adultery. As it opens, we meet Charlotte (Macha Meril) at a...