Featured as the theme song for the anime television seriesTo Your Eternity, “Pink Blood” marks Hikaru Utada’s first time providing the main theme song to an anime television series. The music video for “Pink Blood” was directed by 谷川英司/Eiji Tanigawa of Creative Lab.TOKYO, and featu...
Best anime: The 25 series you should be watching in 2024 ByBradley Russelllast updated10 hours ago From popular shows to cult classics, these are our essential picks for the 25 best anime shows to watch right now Feature Airbnb and Gladiator 2 are teaming up to let you battle in the Rom...
I’ve been doing my best to see as many anime films as possible in theaters this year and thus farBelleandThe Deer Kinghave both proved to be entertaining. However, while I previously maintained thatBellewas the greatest animated film to come out this year, I think that title must now be...
The rockets disgorge the component parts of the “satellite” spacecraft proper in ambitious special effects where in a couple of shots you almost can’t see the strings, the portions snapping together in a very rough draft for later generations of mecha in Japanese manga and anime, and the ...
We all go to the casino with the intention of bringing home the big buck, but the sad truth is that most of us have never experienced the thrill of taking the jackpot. What does it take to be a winner and how do we up our game?
Certain aspects of the film, such as the flinch-inducing “fingernail” scene, really hammer home the fact that the world in which it all takes place is an infernal cesspool and the people you find there easily thrive in such an environment. I would say that that makes this movie admira...
Simple but elegant, good for emulating the array of 1990s anime. Next is a little indie RPG called Blowback that is basically “Burn Notice” (the TV show) the RPG. Written by Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat, this is a spy game with several unique mechanics for the genre – analysis, ...
allow Thomas to be roughly handled when he first came out of the box. Sure, Thomas may have ran, but it was definitely uncalled for. Then, he cracks towards the end and while we’ll probably get a lot of sob stories and twists so make this seem reasonable, it’s still pretty sad....
LikeGotham Knightbefore it,Catwoman: Huntedis drawn in an anime style, although it was handled by a single studio rather than several, as the earlier, vignette-based film was. That studio is OLM, best known in the west for their work on variousPokemonprojects, and I love the art style....
The rockets disgorge the component parts of the “satellite” spacecraft proper in ambitious special effects where in a couple of shots you almost can’t see the strings, the portions snapping together in a very rough draft for later generations of mecha in Japanese manga and anime, and the ...