A Clockwork Orange is a 1971 dystopian crime film adapted, produced, and directed by Stanley Kubrick, based on Anthony Burgess's 1962 novel of the same name. It employs disturbing, violent images to comment on psychiatry, juvenile delinquency, youth gang
The British director decided to take on The Boy Friend (1971), a reworking of a 1953 traditional musical of the same name by Sandy Wilson, and turn it upside down on its ass. Those expecting a conventional affair with cheery sing-along numbers in perfect symmetry will be disappointed. The ...
The year began with angry outcries against the blood and gore of A Clockwork Orange and Straw Dogs, released in December, 1971; and the publication in March of the Surgeon-General's Report on Televised Violence further upset the public. Nevertheless, Americans paid well over $125 million to ...
2、发条橘子 A Clockwork Orange (1971) 导演:斯坦利·库布里克 电影大师斯坦利·库布里克执导的科幻巨作,以近二小时半的篇幅,描绘了人类的过去与未来,广集特殊摄影技巧与精准画面感拍摄而成,可谓是空前绝后。 剧情简介: 电影改编自安东尼.伯吉斯所著小说,讲述英国未来社会一名恶霸青年亚力克,带领几名混混四处作恶,在...
1971 film A Clockwork Orange, based onthe Anthony Burgess novel, in which teenage misfit Alex and his gang of'droogs' roam the streets in search of victims.Lincoln Crown Court heard how the boys, identified only as A, B and C for legalreasons, spent an afternoon hunting victims in Boston...
Cult指数:3.5 3.《发条橘子》A Clockwork Orange 年份:1971 级别:X 略评:电影大师斯坦利库布里克根据同名小说改编,以另类手法对现代文明社会进行讽刺,影史传世佳作。 Cult指数:5.0 4.《阿基尔,上帝的愤怒》Aguirre,The Wrath Of God 年份:1972 级别:未定 略评:沃纳赫佐格执导的史诗大作,描述专横暴戾的西班牙探险家...
AFI defines “science fiction” as a genre that marries a scientific or technological premise with imaginative speculation. 1. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 2. Star Wars (1977) 3. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 4. A Clockwork Orange (1971) 5. The Day the Earth Stood Still ...
53:A Clockwork Orange(1971) In 1968, Wendy Carlos introduced listeners en masse to the Moog synthesizer with dazzling renditions of Bach compositions. For Stanley Kubrick’sA Clockwork Orange, the Moog was once again the instrument (mostly) featured throughout. The effect, however, was far differ...
A Clockwork Orange (1971) is a groundbreaking Stanley Kubrick film and my personal favorite in his collection, more than one of which appears on my Top 100 Favorite Films list. Adapted from the 1962 Anthony Burgess novel and thought to be unable to make it into a film, it becomes a psych...
The disturbing dystopian film A Clockwork Orange (1971), based on the 1962 Anthony Burgess book of the same name was adapted, produced, and directed by the great Stanley Kubrick. We took and indepth look into the memorable and influential production design, film sets and furniture by John ...