在使用filloutliers函数时,需要注意以下几个参数: 1. data:指定要处理的数据集,可以是一个向量、矩阵或数据框。 2. method:指定要使用的方法来填充异常值。常见的方法有中位数、均值、插值等。 3. threshold:指定判断异常值的阈值。默认情况下,filloutliers函数会将超过3个标准差之外的值视为异常值,可以通过...
B= filloutliers(___,dim)specifies the dimension ofAto operate along for any of the previous syntaxes. For example,filloutliers(A,"linear",2)operates on each row of a matrixA. example B= filloutliers(___,Name,Value)specifies additional parameters for detecting and replacing outliers using one...
B = filloutliers(___,Name,Value) [B,TF]= filloutliers(___) [B,TF,L,U,C] = filloutliers(___)Description B = filloutliers(A,fillmethod) finds outliers in A and replaces them according to fillmethod. For example, filloutliers(A,"previous") replaces outliers with the previous nonoutlier...
filloutliers函数返回一个替换了异常值的新矩阵或向量B。 参数A可以是一个包含数字的矩阵或向量。它可以是任意大小和任意维度的矩阵。方法参数是可选的,默认值为'median'。 方法参数可以取以下值之一: 1. 'median':使用中位数来替换异常值。这是默认方法。 2. 'movmedian':使用移动中位数来替换异常值。该方法...
B= filloutliers(___,dim)specifies the dimension ofAto operate along for any of the previous syntaxes. For example,filloutliers(A,"linear",2)operates on each row of a matrixA. example B= filloutliers(___,Name,Value)specifies additional parameters for detecting and replacing outliers using one...
B= filloutliers(___,dim)specifies the dimension ofAto operate along for any of the previous syntaxes. For example,filloutliers(A,"linear",2)operates on each row of a matrixA. example B= filloutliers(___,Name,Value)specifies additional parameters for detecting and replacing outliers using one...
B = filloutliers(___,Name,Value) [B,TF]= filloutliers(___) [B,TF,L,U,C] = filloutliers(___)Description B = filloutliers(A,fillmethod) finds outliers in A and replaces them according to fillmethod. For example, filloutliers(A,"previous") replaces outliers with the previous nonoutlier...
B = filloutliers(___,Name,Value) [B,TF,L,U,C] = filloutliers(___)Description example B = filloutliers(A,fillmethod) finds outliers in A and replaces them according to fillmethod. For example, filloutliers(A,'previous') replaces outliers with the previous non-outlier element. By default...