filling out the application?" 回答 "Yes“ 还是 "No“?2.女儿的DS-160表格中“person/entity paying for your trip,"这一项我填写的是我的名字,也就是我J-1来支付她在美的费用,后面有一项问”relationship to you" ,这里指的是我与我女儿的关系还是女儿与我的关系?
有关美签DS-160表签名栏问题请问哪位知道DS-160最后的电子签名那页,如果是由别人代为申请也需本人亲自签名,其中有个问题是:Did anyone assist you in filling out this application? 回答yes 后就会出现要填的许多空白项,包括姓、名、地址、国籍、与本人关系等,我想搞清楚的是:这里这些项目是填申请人本人的还是...
以前DS-156表格的时候这项如果填yes的话,本人签字,帮忙填表格的人也要签字 但是现在都在线完成,所以填No完全没问题
Filling out Form DS-160, the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, can be a crucial step for those seeking to travel to the United States for various reasons, such as tourism, business, or study. In this post, we’ll provide some tips to help ensure a smooth and accurate application proces...
关于DS160最后面的一个问题我这两天在帮公婆填DS160,他们都60多岁了,他们口述,我帮他们上网填表。最后在LOCATION那一栏,有问到关于Preparer of Application。Did anyone assist you in filling out this application? 请问能否直接写NO?要是写YES,还要写我的信息,会不会显得表格不是他们亲自填而不太好呢?请过来...
This was due to the FOV not extending superiorly to account for overfilled bladders at the time of image acquisition (average volumes of bladder out of CBCT FOV: 414.5 ± 116.8 mL; average volumes of bladder within CBCT FOV: 195.8 ± 105.1 mL). The degree of bladder over...
The two stars, now in their mid-50s, are still going strong and filling out stadiums in this part of the world, and good for them. Take a look at...Kim WildeBelinda Carlisle
fills the formulas where ever I insert a new row at or near the top. As you can see, it allows me to see her trends for the last week or so. I have been using it for 3 years now and it has several thousand rows. I don't have the skill to figure this stuff out on ...
Hello.I have a file that has two tabs. On one tab there is a list of computer numbers with names next to them. On the second tab i have a list of computer...