A new picture logic puzzle from the makers of Pic-a-Pix Deluxe. Create beautiful pixel art as you reveal 120 amazing photographs from Phil's epic trip around the world!Fill-a-Pix is a new picture logic puzzle from the makers of Pic-a-Pix Deluxe, but with huge, scrollable puzzles up ...
Fill-a-Pix is a new picture logic puzzle from the makers of Pic-a-Pix Color, but with huge, scrollable puzzles up to 100 squares wide, you'll reveal pictures much larger and more detailed than ever before! The unique Smart Cursor makes playing fluid and satisfying. Options to show where...
『Fill-a-Pix』由『Pic-a-Pix Color』的開發團隊打造,是一款全新圖像邏輯益智遊戲,提供寬度達一百格的巨型、捲動式謎題,你將揭露比以往更大更細緻的圖像! 獨特的Smart Cursor(暫譯:智慧游標)讓遊玩體驗變得流暢又令人滿意。具有可指引下一步以及確認當前進度的選項,讓你永遠不會卡關。
以下是Fill-a-pix的规则步骤: 1.在它们周围涂上有回向箭头的方块。 2.如果一个数字周围有相同数量的方块被涂黑,则数字将全部涂黑。 3.点击右键以涂上绿色表示不确定的方块。 4.点击两次右键涂黑表示确定的方块。 5.当所有数字被涂黑,并且没有多余的方块被涂黑时,游戏结束。 注意事项: 1.每个数字只能由相同...
Fill-a-Pix have also become popular under other names such as Mosaic, Mosaik, Fill-In, Nurie-Puzzle and Japanese Puzzle. Similar to Picross, Nonogram and Griddlers, the puzzles are solved and the pictures revealed using logic alone. All puzzles in this app are produced by Conceptis Ltd. -...
Often described as a mix of minesweeper and picross, each clue number shows how many squares in a block of nine - the clue itself, plus the eight squares around it - should be filled in black.You only need to learn this one rule to start playing Fill-a-Pix but to make sure you ...
Fill-A-Pix: Phil's Epic Adventure (English/Chinese/Korean Ver.)zoom_in zoom_in zoom_in play_circle remove advertising notifications 追踪折扣 当价格跌破期望值或出现折扣时发出通知 add_circle 添加到我的游戏库 将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到 我的游戏库 favorite 喜欢 改进个性化推荐,并将...
Fill-a-Pix: Phil's Epic Adventure 白1 金5 银13 铜11 总30 #1 Globetrotter (周游列国者) 3 Tips Collect all the trophies 收集所有奖杯 95.80% 一般 #2 Venture Forth! (外出冒险!) Complete the tutorial 完成教学关 97.60% 一般 #3 Japan Tourist (日本旅客) Reveal any photo of Japa...
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Fill-a-Pix is a new picture logic puzzle from the makers of Pic-a-Pix Color, but with huge, scrollable puzzles up to 100 squares wide, you’ll reveal pictures much larger and more detailed than ever before! The unique Smart Cursor makes playing fluid and satisfying. Options to show where...