“On Monday when it rained my mother said I couldn’t play outside. I wanted to ride my new red bike with the blue horn to my friend Maggie’s house. I was… disappointed.” Matter-of-fact language and real-life portrait photographs of a child’s face come together to create a book...
With Revelation, we as readers tend to overanalyze the imagery that is being described to us. The main danger of Revelation is that we will bring our own meaning, biases, and interpretations into our reading of the text. We must be very careful about doing this, for the reasons we have...
I like bands but I dont need them every second play ends so there is no chance to talk/discuss things with people 2 ft away. You don't need to fill all the dead space just some of it. College hockey has almost no dead time, as the game is pretty continuous, and they're...
Their exhaust gases pollute the air, and as gas consumers they can make a nation dependent on foreign oil. The dark side of the internal combustion engine doesn't mean we should abandon cars and trucks, of course. It does mean that we have had to find ways to deal with the problems ...