aFulton recommends connecting it before the “Fast-Fill” valve to the boiler supply but after the back flow preventer to avoid contamination of a potable water supply. Fulton 建议在对于锅炉供应的“抗填充的”阀门前面连接它但是在避免一次适于饮用的供水的污染的背部流动妨碍物之后。 [translate] ...
The fill valve may be disassembled for service\nwithout removal from the tank. A coupling and mounting nut\nassembly facilitates mounting without tools in a variety of\ntanks. A backflow preventer including few simple parts may\nbe incorporated to provide redundant cross-connection\nprotection....
fill valve 美 英 un.填充阀;装料活门 网络进水阀;充气阀;注入阀 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 填充阀 2. 装料活门 释义: 全部,填充阀,装料活门,进水阀,充气阀,注入阀
The fill valve may be disassembled for service without removal from the tank. A coupling and mounting nut assembly facilitates mounting without tools in a variety of tanks. A backflow preventer including few simple parts may be incorporated to provide redundant cross-connection protection. 展开 ...
backflow backflow connection backflow preventer backflow valve backfolding backfurrow backgammon Back-Goudsmit effect background background count background discrimination background extinction background genotype background ink background luminance background mass spectrum background noise background processing ▼...
TCEQ Form 20700 - BACKFLOW PREVENTION The purpose of form TCEQ-20700 Backflow Prevention Assembly Test and Maintenance Report (TM Form) is to document the results of testing a backflow prevention Learn more ValvCheQ Figure RP03 Backflow Preventers (DN 65 Every valve is bench tested and trac...
The fill valve may be disassembled for service without removal from the tank. A coupling and mounting nut assembly facilitates mounting without tools in a variety of tanks. A backflow preventer including few simple parts may be incorporated to provide redundant cross-connection protection.DWIGHT N. ...
The fill valve may be disassembled for service without removal from the tank. A coupling and mounting nut assembly facilitates mounting without tools in a variety of tanks. A backflow preventer including few simple parts may be incorporated to provide redundant cross-connection protection.Dwight N. ...
The fill valve may be disassembled for service without removal from the tank. A coupling and mounting nut assembly facilitates mounting without tools in a variety of tanks. A backflow preventer including few simple parts may be incorporated to provide redundant cross-connection protection.DWIGHT N. ...
The top of the valve is connected by a chain (27) to a spring loaded arm pivoted in a sealed (29) extension (30a) of the filling pipe (30). A second shaft (21) slides in the mounting block, parallel to the poppet valve and a ball (26) in a horizontal passage (25) may ...