www.nciku.cn|基于 1 个网页 2. 指令 类似执行或 作废指令(Fill-or-kill order) (3)按收盘价 指令(Closing order):要求出市代表按上一日的收 盘价 或今日开 … ja.scribd.com|基于 1 个网页
fill-or-kill order 英 [fɪl ɔː(r) kɪl ˈɔːdə(r)] 美 [fɪl ɔːr kɪl ˈɔːrdər]成交或取消指令:一般指出价三次后未成交则立即取消 ...
fill or kill order 【经】 全部购买或销售否则即取消的命令 kill order 【经】 停止供应定货 fill an order 交付定货,供应订货 be in at the kill 看到事情的结局 to kill adv.极其,非常 fill with 使充满 fill in fill in for sb 1. 暂时代替;临时补缺 fill sth in 1. 填写(表格等) 2...
单词 fill or kill order 释义fill or kill order noun[C]STOCK MARKETukus (abbreviationFOK) aninstructionto abroker(= someone whobuysandsellsshares, etc. for otherpeople)tobuyorsellparticularstocksorsharesimmediately: Butunlikeafillorkillorder, it isn'tcancelledif it's notexecutedimmediately....
Fill or Kill Order Refer: open order. Trading instruction that is required to be executed within a specified time else it stands cancelled. FacebookTwitterRedditLinkedIn分享 Recommended for you: Limit Order Firm Order Open (Good-Till-Cancelled) Order Canceled OrderHome...
From Longman Business Dictionaryˌfill or ˈkilladjectiveinformalfillorkillorders areinstructionsgiven to aBROKERor aDEALERtobuyorsellstocksorshares. If the instructions are notperformedimmediately, the deal isstopped, and nothing is bought or sold ...
Fill or kill (FOK). If an investor places an FOK order, it means the broker must cancel the order if it can't be filled immediately. This type of order is typically used as part of a trading strategy requiring a series of transactions to occur simultaneously. ...
Fill or kill (FOK) is a conditional type oftime-in-forceorder used insecuritiestrading that instructs a brokerage to execute a transaction immediately and completely or not at all. This type of order is most often used by active traders and is usually for a large quantity of stock. The or...