How to Fill in Those Bare Spots in Your Summer Garden, Yard
“It’s a fast-growing plant that can quickly fill in bare spots in your flower bed,” she says. “This is especially helpful for large beds or planting late in the season.” She suggests Lantana camara ‘Balucgold’ for its compact growth habit, which makes it ideal for planting near...
There can be other less obvious reasons for bare spots in your lawn. Some of these include underground rocks or roots, poor soil conditions, the type of grass seed used, weed orinsect infestationanddisease.Finding the exact cause of the damage to your lawn is not always easy, and sometimes...
Using a measuring stick, the side of a piece of plywood or a similar straight edge as a guide, trim and cut the edges of your lawn surrounding the bare soil area that was once a hole in your grass. Remove and discard the trimmed grass edges to create a patch of bare soil surface th...
Use ground covers to fill bare spotsLaBauve, Randy
Use ground covers to fill bare spotsGill, Daniel J
Annuals will fill bare spots with colorTim Johnson
Byline: Brandy Hilboldt Allport, Times-Union home and garden editorAllport, Brandy Hilboldt
Fill Bare Spots with Annuals on the Cheap