Cultural values in parent–adolescent attachment, acculturation, and parents' school involvement are discussed.doi:10.1080/01443410701861308Sothy EngHuman Development and Family StudiesKirti KanitkarThe Gallup OrganizationHarrington H. ClevelandHuman Development and Family StudiesRichard Herbert...
Chinese and Filipino Americans are the two largest Asian ethnic subgroups with a large number of first generation immigrants in the US and have substantial differences in cultural background and health outcomes (Hoeffel et al., 2012). Culturally, Filipinos in the US tend to acculturate faster an...
The achievement motivation literature reveals that cultural values contribute to high academic achievement (Hess, Chih-Meh, & McDevitt, 1987; Ryckman & Mizokawa, 1988; Stevenson, 1987). The ethnic identity literature indicates that ethnic identity development is based on attributions about self, ...
Nowadays, social and cultural changes have created challenges for adolescents to assume roles and responsibilities in health promotion. In the greater Chinese population, the Han ethnicity is the largest ethnic group (more than 90%) who reside in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In China, Xin, et...