- We have a integrated a text to speech feature to let you hear the english words that you are looking for. - Share any word and its meaning easily with your friends on other social media apps with the share word button in the bottom right side of the screen. - We will automatically...
(+) "I-paste" Articles for English borrowed terms Microsoft Filipino Style Guide Page 18 of 63 When faced with an English loan word previously used in Microsoft products, consider the following options: The use of borrowed words is so widespread in Filipino due to technology that there exists...
Crossing between the borders of experimental and documentary cinema, Leyco builds a sonic universe that dares tell the story of his life and those around him, communicating through a language as though understandable only by an Alien. The film starts and ends with a QR code, seemingly opening t...
(a system of spelling) that we are using is perfectly in accord with the ancient writing and with the Sanskrit origin of many Tagalog words as I have found out through my research in the British Museum. Adopt it.” Ponce’s August 25, 1888 reply happily notified Rizal, “My family and...
To test a sign’s comprehensibility, several methodologies have already been used with different test formats. For instance, ISO 9186-1:2007 [31] proposes the open-ended test format, in which participants were asked to describe the meaning of the sign in their own words [4]. However, the ...