nounA native of the Philippine Islands; in a restricted sense, a native of more or less pure Spanish descent. Also incorrectlyPhilippino. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. nounA native or inhabitant of the Philippine Islands, specif. one of Spanish de...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. Filipino - a native or inhabitant of the Philippines Philippines, Republic of the Philippines - a republic on the Philippine Islands; achieved independence from the United States in 1946 aborigine, indigen, indigene, native...
The Filipino to English Dictionary app brings you the meanings of Filipino words in English as well as the English words into Filipino. The app has a big vocabulary database that allows you to find the meanings of all the difficult English and Filipino words simultaneously. There are two...
The Filipino to English Dictionary app brings you the meanings of Filipino words in English as well as the English words into Filipino. The app has a big vocabulary database that allows you to find the meanings of all the difficult English and Filipino words simultaneously. There are two main...
The following table lists US English words that add formality without adding meaning, along with more common equivalents. en-US word/phrase to avoid Achieve As well as Attempt Configure Encounter Execute Halt Have an opportunity However Give/provide guidance, give/provide information In addition In ...
Salacot refers to the peculiar broad-brimmed headgear, mostly conical in shape, worn by Filipinos as they work in the fields and the sea. Lacking words for it, salacot is already in Spanish and English dictionaries as filipinism, or words they borrowed from us. ...
the war between the U.S. and Spain in 1898. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: ... is an online machine translation just like Google Translate or Microsoft Translator. It helps you translating sentences or words from tagalog to english or vice versa. This site is not intended to replace human manual translation. It helps human to translate faster. Though it ...
This site is an all-in-one free English to Filipino translation. You can translate full sentences and single words from English to Filipino. Find English to Filipino synonyms and antonyms that can convert any languages. Typing Keyboards counts with millions of users worldwide. We have a success...
English is a prominent part of Filipino they use in everyday life. Many words appear as phonetic spellings of English terms, such as drayber (driver), basketbol (basketball), bistek (beefsteak), boksing (boxing), iskul (school), iskolar (scholar), cabinet (cabinet) and many more. ...