Digital Storytelling in Teaching Filipino Subject in Grade 7 Studentsdoi:10.11594/ijmaber.04.10.08Abelon, Mona Liza G.International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business & Education Research
Our Transportation Security Administration (TSA) does this kind of thing constantly, so every time someone tries to use their shoes or liquids to threaten air travel the rest of the population is subject to reactive searches based on previous threats. No matter how real or informative these video...
The vitamin A system has been modeled in individual adults following frequent sampling [21–23] and in children using a population-based (“super-subject”) approach, which reduces sampling burden on individuals [24–27]. For a super-subject study, several samples are collected from each ...
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a component of nonspecific immune defense and is a reliable marker of low-grade inflammation involved in obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Genome-wide association studies in middle-aged and elderly populations, predominantly of European descent, demonstrat...
[31], how the teacher provides feedback and support for the students [19,28], and even the teachers’ effort, motivations, and enthusiasm for teaching the subject [33]. The social aspects of the classroom climate are also important factors that influence student learning [34], such as ...