In the current study, the generalizability of SVR and the role of executive functions in reading comprehension are evaluated through the participation of a less researched population, bilingual Filipino learners ages 9 to 14 who have learned Filipino and English at home and in school. The study ...
The Relationship between Motivation and Second Language Reading Comprehension among Fourth Grade Filipino StudentsRalph Blay
This study seeks to identify and measure the dimensions of the motivation to read in English among Filipino bilingual high school students and to determine the relationships among these dimensions. Using the Dimensions of Bilinguals Motivation to Read in English Questionnaire, an instrument combining ...
READING comprehensionFILIPINOSENGLISH as a foreign languageACADEMIC motivationMOTIVATION (Psychology)Previous research on praising students to improve their motivation and their mindset had mixed results. This inconsistency was the impetus for this paper. The present study employed a mi...
Finally, the benefits of using Filipino were more pronounced for low‐achieving students who may have lower proficiency in English than their high‐achieving peers (p < 0.01).doi:10.1080/01443410903254591Debbie BautistaSchool of EducationMichael Mitchelmore...
students with poor reading proficiency. We used machine learning approaches, specifically binary classification methods, to identify the variables that best predict low (Level 1b and lower) vs. higher (Level 1a or better) reading proficiency using the Philippine PISA data from a nationally ...
READING comprehensionLANGUAGE abilitySUPPORT vector machinesFILIPINOSSCHOOL environmentFilipino students ranked last in reading proficiency among all countries/territories in the PISA 2018, with only 19% meeting the minimum (Level 2) standard. It is imperative to understand the range of factors that ...
All participants were students or employees of Mapua University, in Manila. The participants consisted of two different groups: 30 participants with driving experience (drive almost every day) and 30 participants without driving experience (never driven a car). Those participants without driving ...