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The good news is that Filipinos are not intimidated by small talk. As a matter of fact, most Filipinos welcome it. That said, you shouldn’t worry if you’re not very fluent in the Tagalog language yet. Filipinos are generally friendly, and if you allow them, they... Show more ...
As royal governors gained greater dominion over the islands, they moved the colonial capital to Manila, with its superior harbor. Endorsing European ideas of mercantilism and imperialism, Spain's monarchs believed that they should exercise their power in the Philippines to enrich themselves. In the ...
Technically, this news is incorrect. The diver scored ZERO in ONE OF THE SIX dives. Because of the dive error, the judges gave the athlete considered the dive a Failed Dive and therefore, no points were awarded. I watched the event and it seems that the diver slipped on the spring...
we’ll teach you how to start a conversation in Tagalog. The good news is that Filipinos are not intimidated by small talk. As a matter of fact, most Filipinos welcome it. That said, you shouldn’t worry if you’re not very fluent in the Tagalog language yet. Filipinos are generally ...
Anderson Cooper was in Tacloban during typhoon Haiyan doing this job as a reporter without realizing that he saved thousands of people. The news that he delivered caught... Read more Indonesia's Relief Goods Repackaged Under DSWD Relief Goods Pouch ...