The movie focuses on a middle-aged woman named Sarah, who teaches online courses to help make ends meet. Meanwhile, Sarah’s son Emman is a delinquent who sleeps around and can’t hold gainful employment. One day, Sarah allows one of her students to stay at her house to escape an abus...
“That’s why he did the movie”: Christopher Walken Had Only 1 Reason to Sign for Pulp Fiction That Most Movies Won’t Dare to Film 10/24/2024 by Diya Majumdar FandomWire A Forgotten 2011 Jason Statham Action Movie Is Climbing Netflix's Top Charts ...
12/3/2024 by Klein Felt The Direct Midnight Madness Sundance 2025 Lineup Includes ‘Kiss of the Spider Woman’ With Jennifer Lopez, John Lennon/Yoko Ono Doc 12/12/2024 by Drew Taylor The Wrap The Gate (1987) Revisited – Horror Movie Review ...
Jenna Ortegaplays the lead role of Wednesday in the Netflix series. Given the popularity ofThe Addams Family, playing one of the most prominent and beloved characters must be a difficult task. Many have praised Jenna’s performance as the gothic daughter ofGomezand Morticia Addams. Jenna’s w...
The graffiti-scarred east wall of the U.S. Postal Annex at 1660 Beverly Blvd. will soon become the site of a mural honoring Filipino American history. “Filipino Americans: A Glorious History, A Golden Legacy” will be painted by 22-year-old Eliseo Silva, a Filipino American art student ...
Blue Roomis another notable 2022 Filipino independent film. The movie centers on a group of privileged teens who play in an indie rock band called Rebel Rebel. After playing at a prestigious music festival, the band members get arrested for drug possession. However, instead of getting sent to...