I worked as a system engineer before I quit my job and dedicate myself for my family. I’m 29 (feeling 19), I love any shades of pink, purple and brown. Aside from reading, I also have fetish for bags and shoes. I love to go out with my hubby and son… our favorite hangout ...
Thank you Anderson Cooper For The Haiyan Coverage In The Philippines Anderson Cooper was in Tacloban during typhoon Haiyan doing this job as a reporter without realizing that he saved thousands of people. The news that he delivered caught... ...
The next time your wife gets on to you for riling up the kids, you can tell her: “I’m helping our children develop into healthy, functioning adults, dear!”…right before performing a baby suplex on your daughter. The Benefits of Roughhousing Roughhousing Boosts Your Kid’s Resilience ...
The Lord gave her to me.” - Mother 6, no screening done The parents believed that the Lord has also equipped them to care for their child by giving them blessings and miracles in the course of their journey. “I guess it goes back to the providence of the Lord because He allowed it...
So, for me, this is very suit- able, and it helps me immensely." The online MHL also served aa s breather from the drudgery and monotony of engaging in domestic work in private homes during times of lockdown. Joy pointed out how helpful the sessions are for her, saying, "Especially ...