Filipinos consider in maintaining a respectful distance and displaying restraint when it comes to physical intimacy, particularly within the early phases of relationship. This displays the worth placed on modesty, purity, and sustaining a sense of propriety. Unlike some western women who continuously de...
- Go to playground and play with her - Put her to bed whenever my host parents are not around - During weekends, we go to playground for few hours - I read her books and play with her toys at home Activities to play with the kids: - board games - Arts and crafts (make airplan...
1.Engaging activities, Arts, crafts, outdoor games, and educational projects. 2.Emotional support, Empathy, patience, and conflict resolution skills. 3.Communication, Regular updates on your child's daily life. More ⇩ Experience I want to provide top-notch childcare, education, and emotional...
Lost my mind shopping for beautiful pieces byAnthill– a social and cultural enterprise in the Philippines working to preserve local weaves through contemporary design to sustain livelihood and tradition. Each piece had a story about the specific weaves and the weaver or craftsperson who created it...
the girls also learned about the existence of Filipino martial arts, Arnis. They discovered indigenous crafts, such as weaving and pottery-making. By immersing themselves in the local way of life, they gained a deeper appreciation for Filipino culture and its significance in the global community....