Online Trip Sheets & IFTA Fuel Tax Filing SoftwarePreparing your IFTA Tax return is made as simple as pushing a button, and will keep your information online and at your fingertips, or email them right to your office or tax preparer. Using will simplify keeping up with ...
IFTA Fuel Entries You can even instantly upload your records with your GPS data or use the quick entry screen to enter your odometer readings, and we will accurately calculate the amount ofIFTAfuel tax you owe for you. Also, you can maintain and organize distance/fuel records per vehicle or...
The article focuses on a reminder from the Alabama Department of Revenue on the electronic filing of all quarterly International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) fuel use tax returns. The reminder is intended for Alabama-based IFTA carriers and it is effective April 1, 2009. It is noted that the ...
If the previous owner did not provide you with all of the required information as stated above the former owner is liable for the tax for that period. IRS Service IRS E-File E-File Form 2290 Trucker Zone IRS Tax Tips IRS Latest News Our Products Form 2290 Form 8849 Form 720 IFTA Tax...
Due Dates,E-file Indoor Tanning Service,Efile 7004,Efile Extension tax,Electronic filing excise taxes,Electronic filing of Form 720,Express Extension,Form 2290 Efile,Form 7004,Form 720,Form 720 Quarterly Excise Tax Efile,IFTA,IFTA fuel tax software,IRS Form 720,Tax 2290 Users Alert,Tax Excise ...
If the previous owner did not provide you with all of the required information as stated above the former owner is liable for the tax for that period. IRS Service IRS E-File E-File Form 2290 Trucker Zone IRS Tax Tips IRS Latest News Our Products Form 2290 Form 8849 Form 720 IFTA Tax...
The tax filing deadline has come and gone. If you didn’t file a tax return and pay the taxes you owe to the IRS on your FET should have, you need to take action now. Filing soon is very important because the late-filing penalty and late-payment penalty on unpaid taxes adds up qui...