dispute with the credit bureaus. If you later find out that someone has been working using your Social Security Number, notify the IRS and file a police report.
driver’s license, which could leave you open to identity theft. It will likely be helpful to have the photos and information you gathered on hand when calling your insurance company to make a claim after the accident. It can also help to supplement the information from the police report. ...
Claimants should be aware that WorkForce West Virginia has received thousands of fraudulent applications for PUA. Many of these applications are related to incidents of identity fraud. Hackers are using personal identifying information accessed in the 2017 Equifax data breach, including names, addresses,...
However, the Delhi Police seems to be following a different angle when investigating the attack, as it arrested a suspect from West Bengal in November last year. The individual, SK Masud Alam, allegedly opened a WazirX account under the fake name of Souvik Mondal and sold it via Telegram to...
The other impact is that criminals may use a consumer's data to engage in other identity-theft crimes, from applying for credit cards in their names to taking out loans. Taxpayers who have been targeted by identity theft should also file a report with the local police; file a complaint wit...