MotionforRelieffromStay[11U.S.C.§362(a)]...$150.00 MotiontoCompelAbandonmentofPropertybyPartiesinInterest[FRBP6007(B)]...$150.00 MotiontoWithdrawReferenceofCaseorProceedingtoU.S.DistrictCourt[28U.S.C.§157(d)]...$150.00 MotiontoReopenCase...SeeCASEREOPENINGFEESbelow AmendmenttoAddorDeleteNames...
If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).¨ Yes x No(APPLICABLE ONLY TO ISSUERS INVOLVED IN BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS)...
Word of prospective congressional pressure comes just hours after a U.S. federal magistrate judge in New York raisedsimilar concernsregarding the separation judicial and legislative powers in a ruling that denied a government motion to compel Apple's assistance in a separate i...
· “we,”“us,”“our company” and “our” refer to TAL Education Group, a Cayman Islands company, and its subsidiaries, and, in the context of describing our operations and consolidated financial data, also include the Consolidated Affiliated Entities (as defined below);· “shares” or ...