We respectfully request on behalf of the Company, pursuant to SEC Rule 83, 17 C.F.R. §200.83, confidential treatment for certain portions of this letter that constitute commercially sensitive information. A redacted copy of this letter, omitting the confidential information, is being filed via ...
The FBI has asked a federal judge for permission to file a second secret declaration detailing its probe intoHillary Clinton’sprivate email server. In the request, which came as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the Justice Department offered for the FBI to provide “a...
Agency Improperly Withheld Some E-Mails Requested Under FOIA, Court Filing SaysThe Environmental Protection Agency failed to properly respond to a Freedom of Information Act request by improperly withholding certain e-mails and relying on "often erroneous" privilege claims as the basis for not ...
We respectfully request on behalf of the Company, pursuant to SEC Rule 83, 17 C.F.R. §200.83, confidential treatment for the Excel workbook that we are submitting to the Staff with this letter under separate cover on a supplemental basis (the “Excel Workbook”). A copy of this letter,...
FOIA Confidential Treatment requested under 17 C.F.R. § 200.83 for a portion of this letter March 1, 2024 VIA EDGAR Securities and Exchange Commission Division of Corporation Finance Office of Technology 100 F Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20459 ...