[11:55:00] [R] 列表 错误 [11:55:00] [R] 以 PASV 模式连接失败,正在尝试 PORT 模式。 [11:55:00] [R] 正在侦听端口: 14912,正在等待连接。 [11:55:00] [R] PORT 10,xx,xx,xx,58,64 [11:55:00] [R] 500 Illegal PORT command. [11:55:01] [R] 列表 错误 就是反复在主动和被动...
后边使用FileZilla Server Interface的时候,也默认就可以了~~ 好像FileZilla设计这个端口是为了远程控制这个...
Client.PostAsync(Uri,content) throws 500 internal server error Close button on the Form not working Close console app if ESC is pressed Close or hide a form from another form, C# Close program with key esc Closing a command prompt window using C# closing a file handle after a File.Copy ...
Client.PostAsync(Uri,content) throws 500 internal server error Close button on the Form not working Close console app if ESC is pressed Close or hide a form from another form, C# Close program with key esc Closing a command prompt window using C# closing a file handle after a File.Copy ...