FILETIME ft; LONGLONG ll = Int32x32To64(t, 10000000) + 116444736000000000; ft.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD) ll; ft.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(ll >> 32); FileTimeToSystemTime( &ft, pst ); } //### SystemTimeToTime_t ### void SystemTimeToTime_t( SYSTEMTIME st, time_t *pt ) { FILET...
void TimetToFileTime(time_t t, LPFILETIME pft) { ULARGE_INTEGER time_value; time_value.QuadPart = (t * 10000000LL) + 116444736000000000LL; pft->dwLowDateTime = time_value.LowPart; pft->dwHighDateTime = time_value.HighPart; } 取得FILETIME之後,您可以使用 FileTimeToSystemTime 函式將值...
FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&Last_Write_Time, &Local_File_Time);FileTimeToSystemTime(&Local_File_Time, &T); info["DateModified"] = llformat("%02d/%02d/%d", T.wMonth, T.wDay, T.wYear); } CloseHandle(hFile); } }else{ info["ExceptionAddr"] = (int)E.ExceptionAddress; } info["Exceptio...
Takes a reference to a FILETIME object and converts it into a WS_DATETIME object. A reference to the WS_DATETIME object is returned by output parameter.
若要将FILETIME结构转换为易于向用户显示的时间,请使用FileTimeToSystemTime函数。 建议不要从FILETIME结构中添加和减去值来获取相对时间。 相反,应将文件时间的低位和高阶部分复制到ULARGE_INTEGER结构,对QuadPart成员执行 64 位算术,并将LowPart和HighPart成员复制到FILETIME结构中。
NewFileTime 7.41 freeware download - Easy access to corrections and manipulation of timestamp for any file and folder - Freeware downloads - best freeware - Best Freeware Download.
// time_t to sys_seconds auto n_seconds = std::chrono::sys_seconds(std::chrono::seconds(N)); // sys_seconds to time_t auto unix_ticks = seconds.time_since_epoch().count(); To convert betweensys_timeandwinrt::clock: auto winrt = winrt::clock::from_sys(sys); ...
(FileTime: TFileTime): TDateTime; var LocalFileTime: TFileTime; SystemTime: TSystemTime; begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FileTime, LocalFileTime) ; FileTimeToSystemTime(LocalFileTime, SystemTime) ; Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(SystemTime) ; ...
示例2: timeT ▲點讚 7▼ CMSTime::CMSTime(constFILETIME& fileTime,intnDST) {// first convert file time (UTC time) to local timeFILETIME localTime;if(!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&fileTime, &localTime)) { m_time =0;//AtlThrow(E_INVALIDARG);return; ...
NewFileTime is a Windows tool that provides you easy access to correct or manipulate any of the timestamps for any file and folder on Windows!