关键是:fileSystem.ioctlAvailable(fd.descriptor); 调用了FileSystem这是java没有公开的一个类,JavaDoc API没有。 其中 fileSystem 是一个IFileSystem对象,IFileSySTEM是java没有公开的一个类,JavaDoc API中没有; fd是一个FileDescriptor对象,即文件描述符 说明这句代码应该是通过文件描述符获取文件的总大小,而并不...
参考链接: [FileInputStream JavaDoc]( [File JavaDoc](
3.2、使用ResourceUtils //在Spring中还有另一种检索资源的方法,但是ResourceUtils Javadoc很清楚说明该类主要是内部使用publicFile method5()throwsFileNotFoundException {returnResourceUtils.getFile("classpath:waitReadFile.txt"); } 3.3、文件读取与展示 publicstaticvoidshow(File file)throwsIOException { List<String...
MappedByteBuffer在处理大文件时的确性能很高,但也存在一些问题,如内存占用、文件关闭不确定,被其打开的文件只有在垃圾回收的才会被关闭,而且这个时间点是不确定的。 javadoc中也提到:A mapped byte buffer and the file mapping that it represents remain valid until the buffer itself is garbage-collected.* 循环...
java.lang.Object java.io.InputStream java.io.FileInputStream All Implemented Interfaces: Closeable,AutoCloseable public classFileInputStreamextendsInputStream AFileInputStreamobtains input bytes from a file in a file system. What files are available depends on the host environment. ...
The FileInputStream.skip(n) method throws IOException if n is negative. This behavior: a) violates the general contract of the skip method documented in the InputStream javadoc comments (".. If n is negative, no bytes are skipped.") ...
注册 论文 > 大学论文 > at javaiofileinputstreamopen native method在javaiofileinputstreamopen本地方法 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 787阅读文档大小:1.3M85页搜搜文档上传于2013-11-01格式:DOC Pure premium method 纯保险费方法 - College of Business at Illinois ...
@hansoncharDoes that rule apply to file input stream too? I think it's good to add this info to the docs:http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaSDK/latest/javadoc/com/amazonaws/RequestClientOptions.html#setReadLimit(int) hansonchar commentedon May 11, 2015 ...
The IBM Toolbox for Java IFSFileInputStream class represents an input stream for reading data from a file on the server.
java.lang.Object java.io.InputStream com.amazonaws.internal.SdkInputStream com.amazonaws.services.s3.internal.RepeatableFileInputStream All Implemented Interfaces: MetricAware,Releasable,Closeable,AutoCloseable Deprecated. byResettableInputStreamand this class will be removed in future releases. ...