Tkinter standardfiledialog.askdirectorydoes not support selecting multiple directories out of the box, we can create a workaround to do this functionality. We can callfiledialog.askdirectorywithin a loop and let users select multiple directories one after another. import tkinter as tk from tkinter impo...
pythontkinterfiledialog UpdatedDec 2, 2020 Python This code appears to be a simple GUI (Graphical User Interface) application where the user provides a URL input, based on which a QR code is generated. The functionality of the code is clearly defined: the user is prompted to provide a URL ...
Python中的打开文件对话框 转自: 1、最早学习Tkinter的时候,在《Tkinter编程代码实例》中看到的“打开文件对话框”需要用到FileDialog模块,代码非常简单: from Tkinter import * from FileDialog import * ......
import tkinter as tkroot = tk.Tk()menubar = tk.Menu(root)appmenu = tk.Menu(menubar, name='apple')menubar.add_cascade(menu=appmenu)appmenu.add_command(label='My Custom Command')appmenu.add_separator()root.configure(menu=menubar)root.mainloop() 如需参考,请参阅tcl/tk文档中菜单栏中的特殊...
defsave_as(self):importtkinter.messageboxasmessageboximporttkinter.filedialogasfiledialogimportmy_constantimportmy_ioimporttracebacktry:ifself.clan.h: path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(**my_constant.history_opt)ifpath: my_io.append_history(None, path, mode='clear')foriteminself.clan.hv: ...
Essentially, when pywinauto is imported, the tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory() function freezes the application and doesn't open the askdirectory dialog. From the bug: Debugging a bit, the hang happens in Lib/tkinter/, line 43: ...