FileCloud Drive makes all your remote files look and feel just like those saved on your hard drive, making it very intuitive for end users to learn and use. Full Featured: Edit/Save/Move You can perform all file operations – open, edit, save, move, etc. the same way you normally woul...
Usb Devices|High-speed USB 3.0 memory card reader adapter, compatible with TF and MicroSD cards, ideal for quick file transfers on PCs, laptops, smartphones, and driving recorders.
FileCloud是一款云内容协作软件,由CodeLathe Technologies Inc.于2016年开发,旨在帮助公司获得对需要共享的数据文件的全面控制。它还为公司的私人数据提供了高级别的安全保障,一些公司如Medlab、Volaris、Cognate等已经实施了它的创新解决方案。 WebDrive 4 (3333 点评) 试用服务 WebDrive使您能够像编辑计算机上的任...
Multiple ways to access data securely: web browser, sync, drive, mobile app, Microsoft add-on, and more. Secure file transfer allows private sync and file upload capability for employees, partners, and clients. User-friendly alternative to archaic VPN and FTP. ...
FileCloud Drive for macOS (Beta) FileCloud 14 brings a new unique Drive application for macOS that addresses many enterprise use cases. FileCloud Drive is an ideal client for users working on laptops (on Windows or macOS) where local disk storage is limited. The drive app will mak...
I liked that I was able to setup a "Google Drive" like experience in my home for my family and some of my work, that was easy to setup and offered everything I needed for 10 bucks /year which I can't really complain about... CONS The community version is limited in a lot of cu...
FileCloud Drive is a remote access network protocol that offers security and ease of use. Once the drive is mapped, users can access shared files and their home folders. FileCloud also honors existing Microsoft NTFS permissions and AD authentication, which provides another layer of security inside ...
FileCloud provides enterprise document sharing tools for secure file sharing like FileCloud Drive, branded client portals, custom upload forms, selective sync, endpoint backup, workflow automation. Private File Sharing As an additional option for sharing files, you can send “private” share links. Thi...
File Integrity Management, and other things and still make their data easily accessible via HTTPS or other means like FileCloud Drive. If a company is able to utilize cloud-based storage such as Dropbox, One Drive, etc. Then perhaps FileCloud would not be as suited for that particular company...
Filecloud Sync Client File Locking Detection from Filecloud Drive and Web GUI DeliveredJarbydev●Comments:2●Reply6 monthsago byFileCloud I. 2votes Quick edit for single file shares Deliveredrunningfoxx●Comments:9●Reply6 monthsago byFileCloud I. ...