$data="This is a new line.\n";$result=file_put_contents("example.txt",$data, FILE_APPEND);if($result===false) {echo"Error writing to file."; }else{echo"Wrote ".$result." bytes to file."; }
If you really want an extra line ending at the end of a file when writing with file_put_contents(), you must append an extra PHP_EOL to the end of the line as follows. <?php $a_str= array("these","are","new","lines"); ...
相同点:file_put_contents() 函数把一个字符串写入文件中,与依次调用 fopen(),fwrite() 以及 fclose() 功能一样。 不同点:在file_put_contents()函数中使用 FILE_APPEND 可避免删除文件中已有的内容,即实现多次写入同一个文件时的追加功能。 例如: echo file_put_contents("test.txt","Hello World. Testi...
fileForEachLine("./students.json", func(line string) { line = strings.TrimRight(line, "\r\n ") // fmt.Println(line) err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(line), &ecu) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } userlist = append(userlist, ecu.Name) }); // outfile, err =...
We have used the FILE_APPEND flag to append the content to the end of the file and LOCK_EX flag to prevent anyone else writing to the file at the same time.<?php $file = "/PhpProject1/sample.txt"; // The new person to add to the file $test = " Tutorialspoint"; // using ...
<?php $ip_get = date("Y/m/d") ." ". date("h:i:sa") . " " . getRealIpAddr() . " " . PHP_EOL ; $filename1 = 'iplogsget.csv'; file_put_contents($filename1, $ip_get , FILE_APPEND); ?> At the moment, it outputs something like: 2021/07/22 12:51:58pm XXX.XX...
file_put_contents('../cache4/file.txt', string_rand(102400000), FILE_APPEND)) { exit('file_put_contents() error!');}clearstatcache();echo 'filesize: ' . filesize('../cache4/file.txt') . PHP_EOL;$fp = fopen('../cache4/file.txt', 'r');if ($fp) { while (($line = ...
Followed by that line: if (flags & LOCK_EX && (!php_stream_supports_lock(stream) || php_stream_lock(stream, LOCK_EX))) { So, what does this code do? (if FILE_APPEND was not specified) 1) It openes the file in 'wb' mode for writing. ...