FreeFileSync 不是每次都复制每个文件,而是确定源文件夹和目标文件夹之间的差异,并仅传输所需的最少量数据。 该项目通过docker实现了FreeFileSync的部署,让我们可以在NAS端方便快捷的使用FreeFileSync,只需要配置不同同步文件夹之间的容器路径,即可以实现最小差异的同步文件夹,帮助我们做好数据备份。 项目地址:https:/...
The system used to run the container may have a built-in way to update containers. If so, this could be your primary way to update Docker images. An other way is to have the image be automatically updated withWatchtower. Watchtower is a container-based solution for automating Docker image ...
docker run -d \ --name=freefilesync \ -p 5800:5800 \ -v /docker/appdata/freefilesync:/config:rw \ -v /home/user:/storage:rw \ jlesage/freefilesync Where: /docker/appdata/freefilesync: This is where the application stores its configuration, states, log and any files needing persist...
nano docker-compose.yaml version: '3' services: db: image: mariadb:10.11 container_name: seafile-mysql environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD= - MYSQL_LOG_CONSOLE=true volumes: - mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql restart: unless-stopped ...
在Ubuntu Server 中,采用 Docker 搭建 Syncthing 服务: docker run -d \ --net mybridge \ --name=syncthing \ --hostname=syncthing \ -e PUID=1000 \ -e PGID=1000 \ -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \ -p 8384:8384 \ -p 22000:22000/tcp \
How to Install Docker on Raspberry Pi The other essential component is Docker Compose. Remember, it is provided separately from Docker. Therefore, you must Install Docker before adding Docker Compose; otherwise, Compose will not function.
service docker start 1. 接着远程下拉镜像一行运行ftp服务 docker run -d -v /home/vsftpd:/home/vsftpd -p 20:20 -p 21:21 -p 21100-21110:21100-21110 -e FTP_USER=ftpadmin -e FTP_PASS=ftpadmin --privileged --name vsftpd fauria/vsftpd ...
Background本来在考研还是想着看看corctf 做到其中一道名为simplewaf的题目卡住了,。。 这里带大家好看看我关于这道题的心路历程0x01 搭建篇主办方给了DockerFile...