1.从谷歌浏览器安装ChatGPT File Uploader Extended扩展 该插件是完全免费的,可以与任何基于Chromium的浏览器一起使用。 2.安装完成后打开你的ChatGPT界面,下方聊天框会出现一个 “Upload File” 按钮。 3.点击该按钮后,就可以选择你想上传的文件了。 文本块的字符数 (Chunk Size)可以点击齿轮图标修改。 4.大概...
给大家推荐一款神级插件ChatGPT File Uploader Extended!.它可以实现让GPT识别文档,提取关键信息,你还可以根据信息对GPT进行提问,功能非常强大!.该插件的特点是:它可以上传TXT、JS、PY、HTML、CSS、JSON、CSV、MD、TS、TSX、JSX、PDF、DOC、DOCX、XLS、XLSX和ZIP等文件格式它可以将大文件分割成小块,以避免超过Chat...
GPT投喂字数限制终于有解决办法了❗大家很多时候在给GPT投喂长文本的时候,会遇到字数限制。今天给大家分享一招,如何来解决这个问题。首先,你需要在GPT4.0版本安装一个揷件,叫ChatGPT File Uploader Extende - 一平博士讲论文于20230914发布在抖音,已经收获了17.5万
git clone https://github.com/ariburaco/chatgpt-file-uploader Navigate to the project directory: cd file-uploader-extension -Install dependencies: pnpm install -Start the dev env.: pnpm run build -Open Google Chrome and go to chrome://extensions. -Enable the "Developer mode" toggle. -Click ...
ChatGPT File Uploader 1 ChatGPT Sidebar & File Uploader 875 ChatGPT File Uploader For Playground 无评分 Chatty File Uploader 无评分 ChatGPT Documents Uploader 2 ChatGPT File Extension 2 Upload file for ChatGPT 7 CoBeats Uploader 12 ChatGPT File Uploader 70 ChatGPT - File Uploader...
ChatGPT 文件上传器扩展 - 上传各种文件类型到 ChatGPT 评分: 5星(共5星),共1位用户参与评分 使用人数: 931+ 位用户 版本: 1.5.1 大小: 784KB 分类: 开发者工具 提供方: ariburaco 支持语言: 美国英语) 更新时间: 2024-03-03 21:35:22
into visuals. * Reference Image: Use an image to create new ones with your prompts. * Image Options: Choose any style from Photographic to Pixel Art, Aspect Ratio or Original Seed Introducing the fresh-off-the-press, souped-up version of the ChatGPT Sidebar & File Uploader Chrome Extension...
export const EXTENSION_PREFIX = "chatGPTFileUploader"; export const BASE_PROMPT = ""; export const SINGLE_FILE_PROMPT = `${BASE_PROMPT} The complete document is provided below. After reviewing the document, please respond with "I have finished reviewing the document and I'm ready to...
Hi Everyone, am just moving this blog from my personal space to here. hope this will be useful and interesting.lets have a look. FileStore refers to the disk directories
The Background Story: The subject is of content conversion in the File Receiver Adapter. For those who have read the SAP help; it states that the adapter expects the XML