eclipse怎么解决Failed to load the JNIshared library、an error has occurred.see the log file,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
查看--launcher.library下面的一行,如果显示的是win32.x86则表明eclipse是32位的,如果显示的win32.x86_64,则是64位的。从下图可知,这个eclipse是32位的,所以JDK与eclipse不兼容,会出现Failed to load the JNI shared library这个问题。解决这种问题有两种,一是重新安装JDK,二是重新安装eclipse。...
eclipse怎么解决Failed to load the JNIshared library、an error has occurred.see the log file errorhasoccurred.seethelogfile网上的原因都解决不了就可能是exclipse不支持jdk的版本,一般exclipse里面都会有一个html来说明它支持的版本...出现这种情况一般都是因为Eclipse和jdk版本不一致导致,因此我们要查询一下jdk的...
# Name of the APK to build-->直译(创建APK的名称) LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage # Tell it to build an APK-->直译(告诉它来建立一个APK) include $(BUILD_PACKAGE) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. (5)编译一个依赖于静态Java库(static.jar)的应用程序 LOCAL_PATH := $...
注意:如果使用System.load()方法,则必须在加载 JNI 共享库之前加载所有依赖项。 Eclipse 会自动将源代码编译成一个类文件。使用javah从jni文件夹中的类生成 C 头NativeBarcodeReader.h 。 mkdir jnicd jnijavah -cp ..\target\classes -o NativeBarcodeReader.h com.dynamsoft.barcode.NativeBarcodeReader ...
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/.../ / cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I've tried to force the JVM to load the "100% C" library first by explicitely calling System.load(...) on its temporary file, but that di...
LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES:=\// 依赖的共享库libcutils \ libdl \ libmedia \ LOCAL_MODULE:=libfmjni// 模块名include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) 1.2 BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY定义的路径build/core/ BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY:=$(BUILD_SYSTEM)/ ...
Load libraries with an absolute path: privatestaticsynchronizedbooleanloadNativeLibrary(Stringpath,Stringname){FilelibPath=newFile(path,name);if(libPath.exists()){try{System.load(newFile(path,name).getAbsolutePath());returntrue;}catch(UnsatisfiedLinkErrore){System.err.println(e);returnfalse;}}else...
This source file implements a simple shared library that implements a native method that returns a string to the VM application. 这个源文件实现一个简单动态库,它实现了一个native方法,返回一个字符串到VM应用程序。 - The 'jni/' file that describes the shared library to the NDK build sy...
() throws IOException; /* load the JNI library specific for this platform */ static { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Tape"); String osName = System.getProperty(""); if (osName.equals("Windows NT") || osName.equals("Windows 2000")) { buf.append("WinNT"); } else {...