Oct 28 16:00:47 shizhanxia.com mount[482]: mount: unknown filesystem type 'xfs' Oct 28 16:00:47 shizhanxia.com systemd[1]: sysroot.mount mount process exited, code=exited status=32 Oct 28 16:00:47 shizhanxia.com systemd[1]: Failed to mount /sysroot 这是xfs文件系统挂载失败后...
WARN[0000] failed to load plugin io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs error="/var/lib/docker/containerd/daemon/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs does not support d_type. If the backing filesystem is xfs, please reformat with ftype=1 to enable d_type support"INFO[0000] loading plu...
filesystemtype肯定是对应mount命令里面诸如“-t ext4”的选项(在不用-t选项指明文件系统类型的时候,mo...
在Linux 7系统中,如果遇到"xfs_growfs提示is not a mounted XFS filesystem"的错误,这通常意味着你尝试扩展的文件系统并未处于挂载状态,或者并非XFS(eXtensible File System)格式。为了解决这个问题,首先需要确认文件系统的挂载状态和类型。你可以使用df -h命令来查看所有已挂载的文件系统及其信息,包...
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 我的博客已迁移到xdoujiang.com请去那边和我交流 文件系统xfs故障解决 一、基础信息 1、发行版本 cat/etc/debian_version 5.0.2 2、内核版本 uname-r 3、型号 dmidecode -s system-product-name ...
After a disk is expanded on the console, the disk size is enlarged, but the disk partition and file system are not extended. You must log in to the server to extend the p
在ECS实例中挂载数据盘时,出现以下报错。 mount:unknown filesystem type'xfs' 问题原因 该问题可能是与initramfs的/boot目录下缺少3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64内核的相关文件导致。对比正常实例,可能缺少以下文件。 vmlinuz-3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64initramfs-3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64.imgsymvers-3.10....
解决xfs_growfs: xxx is not a mounted XFS filesystem报错 解决办法 可以尝试把xfs_growfs替换为resize2fs试一试 下载cloud-utils报错 -> Unable to find a match: cloud-utils 则可以y
filesystemtype肯定是对应mount命令里面诸如“-t ext4”的选项(在不用-t选项指明文件系统类型的时候,mount命令也会尝试从设备上获取文件系统的类型)。总之这个参数没什么可讨论的,它肯定就是诸如ext4, xfs, btrfs, tmpfs等表示文件系统类型的字符串。再看target,我觉得它也很好理解,顾名思义它就是...
Features of XFS Its 64-bit file system with a max file system size of 8EB. Supports metadata journaling which helps in faster data recovery in case of a system crash. It can be extended while mounted and active. It is internally partitioned into allocation groups. 4 different allocation gro...