publicTableSink<RowData>createTableSink(TableSinkFactory.Context context){Configuration conf=newConfiguration();context.getTable().getOptions().forEach(conf::setString);returnnewFileSystemTableSink(context.getObjectIdentifier(),//connector标识符context.isBounded(),//是否有界流context.getTable().getSchema(...
File SystemReference Feedback Connect to File Systems on your local or network machines to read from and write to files using the On-Premises Data Gateway.This connector is available in the following products and regions:展開資料表 ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions ...
private final FileSystem fileSystem; public SuccessFileCommitPolicy(String fileName, FileSystem fileSystem) { this.fileName = fileName; this.fileSystem = fileSystem; } @Override public void commit(Context context) throws Exception { fileSystem.create( new Path(context.partitionPath(), fileName),...
File System Reference Feedback Connect to File Systems on your local or network machines to read from and write to files using the On-Premises Data Gateway. This connector is available in the following products and regions: 展開表格 ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps ...
读Flink源码谈设计:FileSystemConnector中的整洁架构 0.前言 前阵子在生产上碰到了一个诡异现象:全量作业无法正常进行,日志中充斥着java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Heartbeat of TaskManager with id container xxxx(HOSTNAME:PORT) timed out的报错。
File SystemReference Feedback Connect to File Systems on your local or network machines to read from and write to files using the On-Premises Data Gateway.This connector is available in the following products and regions:Rozbalit tabulku ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps ...
File SystemReference Feedback Connect to File Systems on your local or network machines to read from and write to files using the On-Premises Data Gateway.This connector is available in the following products and regions:展开表 ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions Power...
Flink SQL 的 FileSystem Connector 为了与 Flink-Hive 集成的大环境适配,做了很多改进,而其中最为明显的就是分区提交(partition commit)机制。 本文先通过源码简单过一下分区提交机制的两个要素——即触发(trigger)和策略(policy)的实现,然后用合并小文件的实例说一下自定义分区提交策略的方法。
FileSystem Connector Sink 构造FileSystemTableSink对象,传入相关属性参数: public TableSink<RowData> createTableSink(TableSinkFactory.Context context) { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); context.getTable().getOptions().forEach(conf::setString); return new FileSystemTableSink( context.getObjectIden...
Flink SQL 的 FileSystem Connector 为了与 Flink-Hive 集成的大环境适配,做了很多改进,而其中最为明显的就是分区提交(partition commit)机制。 本文先通过源码简单过一下分区提交机制的两个要素——即触发(trigger)和策略(policy)的实现,然后用合并小文件的实例说一下自定义分区提交策略的方法。