Learn about the FileSystem interface, including its properties, specifications and browser compatibility.
接下来我们需要完成目录历史记录的功能,以便我们可以快速的回退到最近的目录中,这里我参考浏览器的History API,实现了一个自己的全局history对象,用它来管理这个文件系统的目录历史记录: classFileSystemHistory{stack;forwardStack;constructor(init){this.stack=[init];this.forwardStack=[];}push(path){returnthis.sta...
在写这篇文章时本来是准备写File_System_API相关内容的,但写到一半发现内容好像跟抄MDN文档一样,毕竟现在文件系统相关的 API 还不能算是完整的,已有的内容也没有太多的细节可以深究,所以放弃了单纯写 API 的想法,而是实现了一个残缺的 web 文件管理系统,想以此为切入点去讲解相关的内容。 这是这个文件系统的简单...
MDN: File System Access API - Web APIs | MDNdeveloper.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File_System_Access_API 比如说,当用户点击一个按钮后,我们可以使用 File System Access API 让用户选择硬盘上的一个文件或文件夹,在其中写入内容或删除文件。 但是在选择文件时,系统会弹出选择文件对话框。 每当页...
In the File System API, a FileException object represents error conditions that you might encounter while accessing the file system using the synchronous API. It extends the FileException interface described in File Writer and adds several new error code
The FileSystemEntry interface of the File and Directory Entries API represents a single in a file system. The entry can be a file or a directory (directories are represented by the DirectoryEntry interface. It includes methods for working with files—including copying, moving, removing, and readi...
还真有,现代Web不断发展,出现了一个新的API,叫做 File System Access API,可以实现点击任意元素触发文件选择。 二、showOpenFilePicker方法 假设页面上有个按钮,其HTML如下所示: 选择图片 则下面几行JavaScript代码就可以实现点击按钮出现文件选择: button.addEventListener('click',...
The File and Directory Entries API simulates a local file system that web apps can navigate within and access files in. You can develop apps which read, write, and create files and/or directories in a virtual, sandboxed file system.
FileStorageQuota.instance.requestPersistentQuota().then(data=>console.log(data)) Object {quota:10240, usage: 0} 源码地址:https://github.com/xiangwenhu/BlogCodes/tree/master/client/FileSystem 参考: Quota Management API StorageQuota - Web APIs | MDN...
FileSystem API Global usage 96.48% + 0% = 96.48% IE ❌ 6 - 10: Not supported ❌ 11: Not supported Edge ✅ 12 - 130: Supported ✅ 131: Supported Firefox ❌ 2 - 49: Not supported ✅ 50 - 132: Supported ✅ 133: Supported ✅ 134 - 136: Supported Chrome ❌ 4 -...