Storage::deleteDirectory($directory);自定义文件系统Laravel 的 Flysystem 集成提供一系列开箱即用的驱动支持;然而 Flysystem 不仅限于此,还拥有其它存储系统适配器。如果在你的 Laravel 的应用中想使用额外的存储适配器,你可以创建自定义驱动。为了建构一个自定义的文件系统,你需要创建一个如 DropboxServiceProvider ...
The Laravel Flysystem integration provides simple to use drivers for working with local filesystems, Amazon S3, and Rackspace Cloud Storage. Even better, it's amazingly simple to switch between these storage options as the API remains the same for each system....
The Laravel Flysystem integration provides simple drivers for working with local filesystems, SFTP, and Amazon S3. Even better, it's amazingly simple to switch between these storage options between your local development machine and production server as the API remains the same for each system....
Using the private disk file storage in Laravel to store, delete and download files. Creating the private disk, a private disk is one that is not designed to be…
Storage::copy('old/file.jpg', 'new/file.jpg');Storage::move('old/file.jpg', 'new/file.jpg');File UploadsIn web applications, one of the most common use-cases for storing files is storing user uploaded files such as profile pictures, photos, and documents. Laravel makes it very ...
Storage::copy('old/file.jpg', 'new/file.jpg');Storage::move('old/file.jpg', 'new/file.jpg');File UploadsIn web applications, one of the most common use-cases for storing files is storing user uploaded files such as photos and documents. Laravel makes it very easy to store ...
Since the public disk is in storage/app/public and Laravel's server root is in public you need to link storage/app/public to Laravel's public folder. We can do that with our trusty artisan by running php artisan storage:link.Uploading Multiple Files...
$dataPath = Storage::disk('public')->putFileAs('models', $request->file('model'), $dataNewName); 这里使用了getClientOriginalExtension方法来获取原始文件的后缀,然后使用putFileAs方法来保存文件,同时指定文件名。 参考资料: Laravel - File Storage...
解决The stream or file "/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied 报错 权限问题 chmod-R 777 storage
根据上文的解释,那Storage::disk('s3')->readStream($path)可以调用不? 可以的。实际上,\Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemAdapter使用了PHP的重载(Laravel学习笔记之PHP重载(overloading)),通过__call($method, $parameters)魔术方法调用$driver里的$method,而这个$driver实际上就是(new \League\Flysystem\Filesys...