I’ll just say right now that the gray homburg hat Al Pacino wears inThe Godfatherisn’t quite indelible enough, I’m sorry. Also, I’ll just say up here, I wishThe Tailor of Panamahad more panama hats in it….
“As part of CAH’s 2017 holiday campaign, while Donald Trump was President, CAH created a supporter-funded campaign to take a stand against the building of a Border Wall,” said thelawsuitfiled in Cameron County District Court in Texas. Cards Against Humanity says it received $15 donations ...
Born June 20, 1920 – Lloyd Eshbach.Fan, pro, church publisher and Evangelical Congregational minister. First sold SF 1930 toScientific Detective Monthly; thirty more short stories. Founded Fantasy Press and helped other small presses; editedOf Worlds Beyondabout pro writing. Pro Guest of Honor at...