gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping This is caused by a logrotate definition using “compress” without “delaycompress”. The error message is especially unhelpful because it doesn’t contain the filename causing the problem, due to the way logrotateinvokes gzip as a pipel...
The minimum split part size is 500MB. The filename format for each zip file will be <Filename>.zip.001, <Filename>.zip.002, <Filename>.zip.003, and so forth. Splitting large zips files into smaller zip files can: improve the transfer process and time. avoid difficult...
All chunks will be of the given size, except for the last chunk which may be smaller. Note that the array returned by the generator is shared between each callback; make sure you copy the bytes/array somewhere else if you want to keep them around. Optionally takes in a provided input ...
When you want to send your PowerPoint presentation to others, it’s easier to do when the file size isn’t too big. You can compress, orzip, the file in Windows, which shrinks the size of the file but retains the original quality of your presentation. You can also compress the media ...
central_directory_size: central_size, central_directory_offset: central_start, }; This causes the error shown above when Excel tries to load the file. If it is changed to 45 then everything works as expected. In your patch c2fe207 you add enhanced logic to determine version_needed()...
The size of your files and the space on your hard drive may be a consideration when performing various activities on your computer. Zipping a file allows you to compress different types of files without losing any data. Learning how to create a zip file can help you save space on your ...
While Seafile 7.1’s installation procedure has not changed compared to earlier versions, the upgrade from Seafile 7.0 is a bit more complicated than usual due to the migration to Python 3. Theupgrade notesguide you through the process. ...
So I double-checked, deleted all *.pdb files again and actually changed the option to GenerateDebugInformation = DebugFull. The same message (“full link”) shows on build, but now the error message is gone! Deleting all *.pdb files again and changing the option back to fast link makes...
varMail="Email address removed"varMailCC="Email address removed"varSubject="Hey, I've made a backup"varcontact="Some name here"varBody="<P> "&varcontact&" A backup has been created."&Chr(13)+Chr(10)&Chr(13)+Chr(10)_&"Add more information here if you want to."S...
I have tried to email the .chm file, but that failed due to the extension or the size of the document (it is just over 5mb). I have now tried to email the Help as a .txt to see if the user will be able to receive it and then have them rename the file as a .chm. The ...