File sharing can significantly improve the productivity when you need to work with both Windows PC and Macintosh computers. You may use Mac in home and Windows PC in office, it is easy to share or transfer files from your Mac to Windows with file sharing feature. It is possible to share ...
File Sharing is a kind of transfer tool that allows sharing files and folders between Mac computers, or even between Macs and Windows PCs, using one network. A Mac uses anSMBprotocol to share data. This means that computers on your local network can access Mac shared folders. In simple ter...
DaFileShare是一款超轻量级的 Mac 向手机(iPhone、Android)传输文件的工具,只需要在 Mac 上将文件拖拽进 DaFileShare,手机扫描生成的二维码,用浏览器打开即可下载。@Appinn Photo byDaria NepriakhinaonUnsplash 来自发现频道:一个 macOS 下文件分享文件到手机的小工具(DaFileShare)。 主要用来从 Mac 向手机传输文件,...
DaFileShare for mac是一款超强的向手机(iPhone、Android)传输文件的工具,DaFileShare最强大之处就是不需要任何麻烦的数据线,我们只需要在Mac上将文件拖拽进 DaFileShare,手机扫描生成的二维码,用浏览器打开即可下载 DaFileShare mac软件功能 DaFileShare主要用来从 Mac 向手机传输文件,最方便的地方在于,Android...
Connects to: Mac, Windows, NAS Drives, Linux, GoogleDrive, Dropbox, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Microsoft Sharepoint, pCloud, BackBlaze B2, Amazon S3, Wasabi, Digital Ocean, WebDAV, FTP, SFTP, FTPS, TimeCapsule and others. ...
file-share的诞生就是终结这个噩梦! 优点 开源地址: 开始界面 主界面 下载界面 简介 经历过500M以上的大文件传输吗?紧急要用,然后文件传输要N小时! 经历过跨平台的文件传输的痛苦吗?你的mac电脑要传一个大文件给同事的windows电脑,过程一言难尽... file...
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
DaFileShare是一款Mac平台上的超轻量级文件传输工具,主要用于在同一局域网内从Mac向手机传输文件,只需把Mac中的待分享文件拖动到窗口中便会自动生成分享二维码,手机扫描生成的二维码即可通过浏览器下载分享文件。 功能简介 · 界面简洁、使用简单,拖动文件即可自动生成分享二维码 · 手机上不需要安装任何应用,扫描二维码即...
If you find Transfer useful and have a few minutes, please share your thoughts by leaving a review in the Mac App Store. It will make a huge difference to us! Found a problem or have a concern? Please visit our website,, or @intuitibits on X, and send us a ...
Let’s say, you are using Windows PC and wanted to share a folder with your friend who is using Mac. Though emailing orusing file transfer appsis an easy option, they have limitations of sharing limited file size. Similarly, using cloud storage services like OneDrive or iCloud also have ...