}#Refer to the Caddy docsformore information:#https://caddyserver.com/docs/caddyfile 4. 创建volume $docker volume create --name=caddy_data 5. 拉起服务 $docker-compose up -d 6. 检查服务运行状态 $docker ps
github 上已经有人搞了一个deno 的docker 镜像,是基于源码编译的,挺好的 所以结合官方的http server demo 使用docker 运行 环境准备 docker-compose 文件 version: "3" services: app: image: maxmcd/deno:slim volumes: - "./app:/opt" command: deno /opt/app.ts file-server: image: max...
- "./server:/opt/server" 1. command: deno /opt/server/app.ts --allow-net 1. http server 内容 http 模块的我修改为了使用http,就不用管下载的问题了 // This program serves files in the current directory over HTTP. 1. // TODO Stream responses instead of reading them into memory. 1. /...
-/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro-./nginx.tmpl:/etc/docker-gen/templates/nginx.tmpl:ro-./nginx/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d:rwnetworks: -proxy-tierentrypoint:/usr/local/bin/docker-gen -notify-sighup nginx -watch -wait 5s:30s /etc/docker-gen/templates/nginx.tmpl /etc/nginx/conf...
Learn about the latest Docker Desktop feature, synchronized file shares, which provides native file system performance, improving file operation speeds by 2-10x.
Docker是client-server架构,理论上Client和Server可以不在一台机器上。在构建docker镜像的时候,需要把所需要的文件由CLI(client)发给Server,这些文件实际上就是build context。构建的时候,第一行输出就是发送build context。. 这个点参数就是代表了build context所指向的目录。有了.dockerignore文件后,我们可以把一些不需...
The result of this Dockerfile is that second and third lines are considered a single instruction: FROM microsoft/nanoserver COPY testfile.txt c:\\ RUN dir c:\ Results in: PS E:\myproject> docker build -t cmd . Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB Step 1/2 : FROM ...
Docker Golang镜像 1.19.4 Golang 1.19.4 Windows Windows 11 二、镜像制作 创建镜像制作根目录,例如:d:\docker\helloworld(Windows),~/docker/helloworld(macOS),后续所有文件都放在该目录中 1、准备应用代码 用golang写的一个简单http server,监听8000端口,默认输出helloworld,新建helloworld.go保存以下代码 ...
In order to ship and deploy this application without Docker Build, you would need to make sure that: The required runtime dependencies are installed on the server The Python code gets uploaded to the server's filesystem The server starts your application, using the necessary parameters ...
Dockerfile介绍及常用指令,包括FROM,RUN,还提及了 COPY,ADD,EXPOSE,WORKDIR等,其实 Dockerfile 功能很强大,它提供了十多个指令。 Dockerfile介绍 Dockerfile 是一个用来构建镜像的文本文件,文本内容包含了一条条构建镜像所需的指令和说明。 在Docker中创建镜像最常用的方式,就是使用Dockerfile。Dockerfile是一个Docker...