file_sd_configs: -files: -foo/*.slow.json -foo/*.slow.yml -single/file.yml # 重新读取文件的间隔,默认5m refresh_interval: 10m -files: -bar/*.yaml 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. json文件的格式: [ { # 配置抓取目标 "targets": [ "", "http://...
file_sd_configs: - files: ['/usr/local/prometheus/sd_config/*.yml'] refresh_interval: 5s # 每隔5秒检查一次 [root@localhost prometheus]# ./promtool check config prometheus.yml Checking prometheus.yml SUCCESS: 1 rule files found Checking rules/node.yml SUCCESS: 2 rules found 1. 2. 3. 4...
scrape_configs:- job_name:'prometheus'static_configs:- targets: ['localhost:9090']- job_name:'node_exporter'file_sd_configs:-files:- targets/nodes/*.json refresh_interval: 5m - job_name: 'docker_CADvisor' file_sd_configs: - files: - targets/docker/*.yml refresh_interval: 5m [root@nod...
file_sd_configs : 文件发现 #因为部署在k8s中 需要配置 这里对应有点奇怪 sd_my_server.json文件没有对应到file_sd文件中 只在/prometheus这一层vim case3-1-prometheus-cfg.yaml - job_name:'file_sd_config_CAserver'file_sd_configs: - files: - /prometheus/sd_my_server.json refresh_interval: 10s...
Prometheus默认每5m重新读取一次文件内容,当需要修改时,可以通过refresh_interval进行设置,例如: - job_name: 'file_ds' file_sd_configs: - refresh_interval: 1m files: - targets.json 通过这种方式,Prometheus会自动的周期性读取文件中的内容。当文件中定义的内容发生变化时,不需要对Prometheus进行任何的重启操作...
scrape_configs: - job_name: apt-dpkg file_sd_configs: - files: - /etc/promtail/dpkg-apt.yaml refresh_interval: 5m ``` The targets to be scraped by Promtail are defined in `/etc/promtail/dpkg-apt.yaml`. In fact, Promtail read the target to scrape in the list of file provided...
prometheus02-file_sd_configs 1.配置文件(自动发现) [root@zabbix-proxy prometheus]# cat prometheus.yml# my global configglobal: scrape_interval: 15s# Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.evaluation_interval: 15s# Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default ...
If terminal boots from local disk, SD card or USB flash, Chromium profile may be stored on local disk. Open terminal web-interface, press "Save custom Chromium profile on disk" and follow the instructions. Here'svideo-tutorial. If terminal downloads configuration from TFTP or HTTP server, Ch...
file_sd_configs: #文件服务发现配置 - files: - targets/prometheus_*.yaml #文件位置 refresh_interval: 2m # All nodes #所有节点 - job_name: 'nodes' file_sd_configs: #基于文件的发现 - files: - targets/nodes_*.yaml #文件位置 refresh_interval: 2m ...
refresh_interval: 5m 说明:我们使用file_sd_configs模块代替static_configs模块,并指定files路径,并指定每5分钟prometheus重新加载该配置文件 2) 创建主机清单的JSON文件 代码解读 mkdir -p /usr/local/prometheus/targets/nodes/ cat >/usr/local/prometheus/targets/nodes/nodes.json<<EOF ...