”, “Get over here, you stupid bowb!” and “What is this, “Bowb Your Buddy Week?” suggest it can be substituted in easily enough for ‘shit’, ‘bastard’, ’asshole’ and ‘fuck’….
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Gelb also reported that “The 60-Hour Grind” was theoretically about how to handle your full-time job and develop creative talent in your spare time. “Pat Cadigan had quit her job a few years before, and one other panelist had been unemployed for some time. Despite these anomalies the ...
Bagaimana Amazon EFS bekerja dengan AWS Direct Connect dan AWS Dikelola VPN Dengan menggunakan sistem EFS file Amazon yang dipasang di server lokal, Anda dapat memigrasikan data lokal ke AWS Cloud host di sistem file AmazonEFS. Anda juga bisa memanfaatkan meledak. Dengan kata lain, Anda ...
Tutorial: Pasang sistem file dari yang berbeda VPC Memecahkan masalah pemasangan Mentransfer data Menggunakan AWS DataSync Menggunakan AWS Transfer Family Mengelola sistem file Mengelola target mount Membuat atau menghapus target mount di a VPC ...
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(Rovelito®) in Korean adults with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia This article was published in the following Dove Medical Press journal: Drug Design, Development and Therapy Sang-Hyun Ihm1 Jinho Shin2 Chang-Gyu Park3 Cheol-Ho Kim4 1Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine,...
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Research Assay optimization for molecular detection of Zika virus Victor M Corman,a Andrea Rasche,a Cecile Baronti,b Souhaib Aldabbagh,a Daniel Cadar,c Chantal BEM Reusken,d Suzan D Pas,d Abraham Goorhuis,e Janke Schinkel,f Richard Molenkamp,f ...
Over a quarter of a million deaths per year are attributed to CAD alone in the United States (Merz et al 2004). Although already high, these figures are hematoma) and one herniorrhaphy treateedxpweicthtedrFtoVIrIisaeaetven omnoerefrdenuruilnugmt/hleipnceuxtt,deeac...