linux下file not handled 未处理linux下文件
这是由于配置osg时 freetype 插件没有配置到位。 我个人的解决方法 打开CMAKE,点击advance,不勾选OSG_TEXT_USE_FONTCONFIG。 同时将freetype路径设置为如下:
在做OsgEarth时需要自己编译osgQOpenGL,自己做了一个静态库工程,输出lib文件后,让EXE让用。在测试代码中指定一个地球文件,加载时提示0X00000005。打开GONFIG += console后,提示“error reading file file not handled”,代码报错的位置就是加载地球文件的那行。 问题原因:因为程序无法调用地球文件加载...
E_FFDRM_ERRORNOTHANDLED Failure. The application must handle the error. Errors occurred either because the FFDRM provider could not handle the error or did not recognize the error.RemarksIf a rights renewal is requested by the user, a network connection may be established to send the renewal....
options indicating how symbolic links are handled Returns Boolean true if the file does not exist; false if the file exists or its existence cannot be determined Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Java documentation for java.nio.file.Files.notExists(java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.file.LinkOption...
system. If the application does not receive a response from the instance before the request times out, an error is returned. In this case, an exception may be thrown based on the programming language that is used to write the application. If the exception is not handled, the application ...
This tells the change tracker that your app has handled all the changes and doesn’t need to see them again. Next time you create a StorageLibraryChangeReader it will contain only changes that have happened since this point. Not calling AcceptChangesAsync will cause the internal change buffer ...
One of the ways this was handled in the past was by storing the new version of the file with a temporary file name, writing the new data to the SQL database, and then renaming the temporary file to the real file name when committing the SQL transaction. But consider what happens if th...
Any otherHRESULTshould be returned to the calling process. If the failure is not handled, the return value should behrError. Return codeDescription COPYENGINE_S_USER_RETRY The user clickedRetry. The handler should retry the file operation. ...
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