CELL("FILENAME"):返回当前工作表带路径与工作薄的完整名称; LEN(CELL("FILENAME"):工作表带路径与工作薄的完整名称的长度; FIND("]",CELL("FILENAME"):返回在带路径与工作薄的工作表名称中字符"]"的位置: RIGHT(CELL("FILENAME"),LEN(CELL("FILENAME"))-FIND("]",CELL("FILENAME"))):取带路径与...
因为这个函数读取的是最新使用excel文件的文件的当前工作表 并不一定是你当前的工作表 即你新打开一个excel文件,该函数得到的结果就会变化,得刷新后才是当前文件的当前工作表(这时候得到的都会带有[文件名])
=MID(CELL('filename'),FIND('[',CELL('filename'))+1,FIND('.',CELL('filename'))-FIND('[',CELL('filename'))-1) 3.使用INFO函数 =INFO('filename') 这个公式可以返回当前工作簿的文件名和路径,与CELL函数相似。 以上就是几种使用文件名字函数的方法,它们可以让你在Excel中更方便地使用文件名进...
I would like to link part of the filename to part of a cell. The name of the Excel file is Excel Mar Sample. The string in an Excel cell is "MTD Mar CY2021". I would like to like the Mar in the filename to the Cell so that when I name the file in the future Excel Apr ...
在excel中引用标签名=RIGHT(CELL("filename"),LEN(CELL("filename"))-FIND("]",CELL("filename"))) û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...微关系 他的关注(35) 头条新闻 小米MIX 微博健康生活 职场公开课 他...
I would like to link part of the filename to part of a cell. The name of the Excel file is Excel Mar Sample. The string in an Excel cell is "MTD Mar CY2021". I would like to like the Mar in the filename to the Cell so that when I name the file in the future Excel Apr ...
Select a cell or a range of cells that you want to name. Type a name into theName Box. Press the Enter key. Make a named range by using Excel Name Manager Usually, the Name Manager in Excel is used to work with existing names. However, it can help you build a new name too. Her...
Type or paste the following formula to insert the name of the current file in a cell: =MID(CELL("filename"),SEARCH("[",CELL("filename"))+1, SEARCH("]",CELL("filename"))-SEARCH("[",CELL("filename"))-1) Note:If you use this formula in an un...